“1IGS explores user problems and develops solutions."


Bringing impactful experiences leading to loyalty and trust

Our consulting at 1IGS provides businesses with the information they need to quickly adjust to the needs of customers. We have worked with many businesses regarding their perception of customer lifecycle, which leads to personalized communication, automated customer service and demand-driven business.

When our clients join hands with our network of partners, we are able inspect industry expertise, business design, AI and automation across the platform, your sequence of work and the enterprise as a whole.

Harness client productivity and work with you to get required results

65% savings in time & money

Here at 1IGS, we combine specialist teams and spaces – a new and creative way of approaching ethics and the family environment – bringing it to life in the workplace. Our teams innovate, disrupt and truly co-create with our clients

50% Increase customer experience

Our partners, clients and their teams, together with 1IGS experts, are internally and externally involved in the process to boost partnership collaboration and creative perspective.

Harness client productivity and work collaboratively to reach required results

Value and what initiatives to prioritize


Each organization is unique in its needs and challenges, which is why there is no one solution to a problem. We are changing the way customers are being treated and we invite you to change with us.

1IGS way


Our approach is very simple: provide talent that will delight all parties involved. We support a unique physical environment based on a collaborative level of processes that enable our clients to innovate and achieve the highest levels of productivity and resolve difficult business challenges

What to expect from 1IGS


Businesses today face very challenging issues and the demand for frequent and swift adaptability is the key to success. Years of doing things the same, being weighed down by cultural baggage, makes it difficult to be agile. We break the silos, bringing the power of different perspectives

The importance of experienced consulting

Generates repeat business


One of the main benefits of working with our team of experts is that they co create business models that drive repeated business and customer satisfaction.

Enhances business reputation

customer _reputation

Our team of experts assist you in boosting your company’s reputation, providing customers a good experience they will want to talk about. We deliver strong customer service and make use of effective tools to drive profit at no cost.

Combat higher prices


As a business, you may simply not be able to afford to offer the low prices corporate chains offer. Our tools for customer care will provide value that offsets the effect of higher pricing.

Explore 1IGS


Our team delivers impactful experiences

1IGS consulting experts design your business to understand and rapidly adapt to customer needs. Over the years we have assisted businesses like Exxon Mobile and Baker Hughes with their approach to customer lifecycle changes, creating tailormade communication, demand-driven and automated support for customer service


Good customer benefits

The benefits of good customer care will also impact the kind of work environment you create at your company. When your employees see that you emphasize customer service and all that goes into it, which includes respect for others, kindness, and going the extra mile, they will feel more connected to the values and principles on which your company is founded.


Pleasant environment

Let us assist you evolve to a more pleasant customer service in your marketing strategy and then backing it up, your business will set itself apart from other who don’t deliver on their promises, creating a sense of uniqueness about your business. A solution that embraces new mindset, deepening relationships and assisting clients grow in a more agile way.

Financial services resources

Experience strategy & design


1IGS consulting assists customers, blending the brand image with human insights and state-of-the-art technology to meet current changes and deliver exceptional expertise that builds loyalty and credibility.

Customer lifecycle transformation


We partner with a variety of industry leaders, SAP engineers and the sales force to assist your business in adopting modern, innovative ways of operating while re-designing processes to benefit from smart workflows and automation.

Collaborate with innovation at enterprise scale


1IGS pioneered the integration of supply chain management design and agile workflows for enterprises that deliver results. Uncover new avenues of innovation to solve what’s most critical for your business and your clients.

Get the competitive advantage

1IGS invents customer experience models that separate you from the competition. We offer a superior variety of products and services with an astounding unique selling proposition.

With 1IGS procurement, our users’ pain points are brought to the forefront. Together with 1IGS procurement, customers solve those pain points and create personalized and compelling customer experiences that satisfy all stakeholders involved in the supply chain


How can 1IGS help?

We use our own expertise and bring in the right collaborators to make innovation happen, moving fast and incrementally through our approach. Take advantage of the benefits of good customer care in a time where customers often complain about the lack of service or the feeling that they mean little to a business, providing excellent customer service can set you apart from your competitors.



We reduce risk by testing our ideas and prototypes with real customers and users. We make changes based on feedback. In this way, we fail fast and we learn fast. Customer experience impacts every aspect of your business, whether you are operating in B2B or B2C. However, the approaches to building a successful customer experiences are different


Addressing obstacles using a digital engagement engine

It was the supply chain disruptions from COVID-19, that Encouraged 1IGS to take its transformation a step ahead. It also allowed the promotion of its consumer experience.

Gain a wide range of enterprise insights 1IGS for business value uses data-oriented research and analysis of expertise to provide interesting perspectives to leaders on the forthcoming trends.


Give our experts a chance

Learn how your business can benefit from our know how. Find out how we work with you by schedule a no cost 30 munite meeting with an expert