Engineered to serve the world

1IGS's Approach


We deliver a strategic and secured cost-reduction infrastructure by driving profitable growth with zero-based budgeting.

Drive sustainability and profitability


At 1IGS, we assist our stakeholder’s target and minimize their total operations cost. We combine our expert insight with organizational, functional and corporate blueprint to define targets

1IGS’s 4-step approach on cost analysis


We analyze the building process and investigate to detail all elements that can affect the cost of your product or service. Our team of experts break down the open book costing, should costing, teardown SWOT, price or vendor cost decentralization.

A fast path to improved ROI


Champion new business operating models with hybrid cloud consulting and services.

Featured 1IGS Strategic cost solutions



Today’s market is highly volatile and faced with many unforeseen difficulties, both externally and internally, to sustain long-term profitability. Our team of experts possess the right industry experience and can rapidly reduce operating costs and allocate budgets, correctly paving a pathway for your company to survive and grow.


Combination of traditional and modern Lean & JIT techniques

Traditional techniques to cost reduction are predominantly reactive and focused on reducing total expenses across the organization. 1IGS experts consider the past, present and the future and designs an integrated, visible, effective, and long term strategy focused on cost, activity, and output


We build today for a better tomorrow

To us, it’s all about sustainability, empowerment, five keys that combine the value chain and zero-based budgeting across direct, indirect, people, and property. Our team of expert will assist you have direct insights on, spend and demand, good and bad cost, aligned sponsors, targets and structure, value chain-defined cost reduction levers and category ownership and value delivery.


Legends in cost reduction

Our team of experts are experienced, educated and well vested in dealing with the most complexed environments requiring cut cost. We assist oil & gas teams reverse operations costing to accurately estimate the direct cost of drilling equipment “should cost”. Understanding the cost of material and then compare it to what it “does cost”, or price quoted puts you in a stranger bargaining position. Boost your teams and forge ahead with 1IGS effective alliances and network.


1IGS Value

1IGS’s cost reduction solutions span beyond cost and unlocks strategic supply chain value that drive profitability and growth, free up working capital, achieve market advantage, agile, flexible, sustainable spending model, credibility, accountability, quality, productivity, and full potential.


Right costs for the right products

Leverage our expertise by utilizing market instability and price changes to optimize your operations, improve your procurement, supply chain, and unlock costs driving opportunities with visibility in the entire process. Our team of experts design a cost savings strategy that gives you bargaining power and easy decision making.


Unbeatable network built on trust, that can’t be broken

Over 2 decides of experience with a Network that is over 100 years old built on trust, responsibility, power, effectiveness, and passion. We love what we do and go the extra mile to ensure our clients attain highly insightful should cost analysis. Let us assist you identify a precise procurement cost structure capable of generating overall growth.


1IGS customers are kings

The mantra that the customer is king is the premise that every product designed, manufactured, and marketed has 1 central focus, the customer. Yes, we can, and we can even do it better, allow us the opportunity to serve you. Our team of experts will go the extra mile to accomplish your procurement cost saving goals.


Strategic cost management

1IGS’s Strategic Cost Management offering are focused on structural, organizational-wide challenges that will create long and short-term sustainable cost savings and growth. Our goal is to assist our clients achieve scalable cost platforms that drive profitability. 1IGS experts possess extensive experience with cost improvement programs across industries, we assist you achieve your specific cost and strategy challenges.


Save, Fund, flow, transform

Designed with continuous improvements and focused on enterprise-wide and programmatic, solution tailored, not a “one size fits all” approach and financially balanced, to leverage quickly and fund longer-term opportunities. We pay attention to detail.

Industry leaders trust 1IGS

Industrial Manufacturing Partners

Partner today with 1IGS procurement and journey towards an open, strategic cost effective environment

Explore 1IGS Cloud products

A full stack cloud platform with more than 170 products and services covering data, containers, AI, IoT and blockchain

Use your existing infrastructure – even edge or other public clouds – with 1IGS Cloud services, APIs, access policies, security controls and compliance with 1IGS Cloud Satellite.

1IGS strategic solutions

Integrated strategies that help you manage your organization across any continent with strong security and network.